Student Feedback Questionnaire
Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ) Survey Exercise at HKUST
Using ASSET to complete Student Feedback Questionnaire
Issue of anonymity
Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ) Survey Exercise at HKUST
In HKUST, all lecture-based and some of the non-lecture-based courses are subjected to evaluation by students at the end of the semester. Such feedback from students plays an important role in the quality assurance of the education programs offered by the University. Students are therefore strongly urged to participate in such course evaluation exercises.
Since May 1999, Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ) survey exercise (formerly known as course evaluation) has been mainly conducted online. The first system used to collect feedback data from students was called COSSET. To cope with the increasing educational evaluation need and to provide a more effective and user-friendly online survey tool for concerned parties’ usage, a new system called ASSET was launched in 2006 and it came with significant enhancements and improved user interface. Nowadays, ASSET is widely used for SFQ surveys throughout the University.
Usually two weeks before the end of the semester, ASSET will send all students an email messages asking them to respond to an online questionnaire for every course they have enrolled. Thereafter, email reminders will be sent to students every 3 days during the 2 week period if they have not completed the evaluation of all courses they have enrolled.
The data collected will be used to generate reports for every section evaluated, which will be sent to individual instructors and heads of departments for their perusal, thus providing much needed information for departments, faculty and instructors to make improvement to their programs and course delivery.
Using ASSET to complete Student Feedback Questionnaire
While most students complete SFQ via Canvas, HKUST iLearn app (iOS / Android) or SFQ Mobile Website, you can also submit your responses via ASSET. Once you have successfully login to ASSET, you will be shown a list of course sections you are invited to evaluate. These are sections you have been enrolled in. If there is one or more sections in the list which you are not enrolled in, please email us
( immediately.
To evaluate any section, please select it by clicking the button next to it. You will then be shown a page containing the on-line questionnaire. You should try to complete all questions in the questionnaire. For questions which cannot find a suitable answer to choose, you can often choose the "Not Applicable" option. There is a minimum number of questions which must be answered before your submission is accepted.
After completion, you should click the "Submit" button at the end of the questionnaire. A dialog box will then appear asking you to confirm your submission. Please check carefully the title of the section and name(s) of the instructor(s) you are submitting your feedback for. Feedback wrongly submitted cannot be retrieved for amendment.
If the questionnaire is successfully submitted, you will see the following message:
Your submission of the evaluation for <course and section code, instructor name(s)> has been accepted by ASSET.
Please click the following button "Back" to go back.
Thank you.
If you do not have time to finish the survey, you can save the partially completed survey by using the "Save Draft" function and answer it later. The next time you login to ASSET, you can retrieve it and complete the survey. Please note that all answers kept in draft mode will not be considered as official and will not be used for reporting purpose. Once you have formally submit your completed questionnaire, you will NOT be able to retrieve it since the survey is anonymous.
Issue of anonymity
Please note that though students are asked to login before completing SFQ, personal information such as ITSC usernames will not be captured into the ASSET database after students submitted their answers to the system. Such information is used ONLY to prevent unauthorized access, identify students who have not done the evaluation, and to retrieve their responses to the questionnaire they have saved as draft the last time they used the system.